Vim: study on transposing lists of names from horizontal to vertical
Primary purpose of the study.
- Initial status: series of inline names, separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
- Objective: Transpose all names into one column by removing both semicolons and spaces.
- Purpose: Creating list for mail-merging with e-mail client (Thunderbird).
- Tools: Vim and built-in RegEx function.
- Example:
Secondary goal
To test the integration between Markdown and css tags.
This objective was accomplished in the Example above by inserting the following code:
<p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">
One@mail; Two@mail; Three@mail; ...
<p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">
Vim: regular expression for the primary target
To obtain the transposition from horizontal to vertical, the object of the primary target, the following formula is used:
:%s/; /\r/g
Analysis of the formula:
: activation of substitution mode throughout the document/; /
: search for the string to replace, note the space after the semicolon that corresponds to the original structure of the list.\r/
: replace the string found by the previous command with a carriage return.g
: global option, that is, application of the result to all instances found.
And now: the reverse procedure.
At this point I also try the reverse procedure: from the vertical list to the horizontal list delimited by semicolon followed by a blank space.
Basically from
The same formula above can be used with inverted factors:
%s/\n/; /g
where with \n
I select the carriage returns and with /; /g
I replace them with a semicolon and a space.
Thank you for your attention.