Welcome to the collection of articles by Franco Pasut also published in other online resources.

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image from Study on an example of integration between Python and LaTeX

Study on an example of integration between Python and LaTeX

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image from Extract a list of files from a folder and paste it into a document, in MS Windows, GNU/Linux and macOS.

Extract a list of files from a folder and paste it into a document, in MS Windows, GNU/Linux and macOS.

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image from A Python program to copy text from various PDFs and collect it into a single document in Markdown language.

A Python program to copy text from various PDFs and collect it into a single document in Markdown language.

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Markdown with Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text 4 and Visual Studio Code

Reducing the size of single or multiple PDF documents in GNU/Linux Bash and Python

Using Visual Studio Code to write scores in LilyPond.

Automatic generation of hyperlinks in LaTeX environment, using Vim's Regular Expressions, between PDF documents.

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